1. Your website must contain custom domain Example like (www.yourname.com)
it not accept for www.yourname.blogspot.com.
2. Your website must be live, must be a good finished.(like attractive design) and
you must have fresh content.
3.Your site must have greater than 100K impressions per month
4. No porn or anything illegal or containing even remotely “questionable” content.
5. Site must be in English (sorry, we’re just not able to provide support in other
languages right now).
6. If you have a ton of untargeted ads on your site already, we’re not going to
approve you.
7. We are currently focused on the tech / web design / development / freelancer niche.
While we do occasionally accept sites outside of this niche, you may be denied if you
are not in this niche.
8. Getting denied does not mean that we will not approve you at a future date.
If you are ok with this. you can apply for buysell and. good luck
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