
Tips on Interview Skills


Interviews are about presenting yourself in a positive and confident manner and we have
interview skills ,
tips for you in getting your desired Job. Many candidates are often worried that by “overselling”
themselves they may appear in arrogant and, as a result, they opt for straight answers which can
sometimes appear fairly formless.

Here are some interview  techniques which can help you to  do yourself justice and improve your
interview skills to a level that will make you one of the strongest candidates.
Know yourself . be Prepared
Bring wth you a  folder containing extra copies of your resume, a copy  references and paper to
take notes.
You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview. For extra assurance,
print a copy of Monster’s handy interview take-along checklist.
Research on the job and your future employers
Researching the company before the interview and learning as much as possible about its services,
products, customers and competition , which will give you an edge in understanding and addressing
the company’s needs.
The more you know about the company  the better chance you have of selling yourself in the
any candidates  don’t ask questions and miss the opportunity to find out valuable information.
The questions you ask indicate your interest in the company or job.
Use personal experiences to expand your point.
One specific example of your background can worth for 50 vague stories.
Prepare your stories before the interview. Give examples that highlight your successes
and uniqueness. Your past behavior can indicate your future performance.
Avoid announcing a compositional straightness  unless you are absolutely confident
Describe yourself with using active verbs and power words
It is important to appear confident and cool for the interview. One way to do that is to be
prepared to the best of your ability. There is no way to predict what an interview holds,
But preparing yourself with confidence may win the Race .
Answer the questions using STAR framework with examples
Candidates often don’t think about whether they are answering actually  asked questions
by their interviewers . Make sure you understand what is being asked, and get further
clarification if you are unsure then give your answer
Be comfortable in behavior which must reflect in your body language . 
Select dress wearing for the interview. Depending on the company and position,
get your best interview clothes and check them over for spots and wrinkles.
Even if the company has a casual environment, you don’t want to look like you slept in your outfit.
Above all, dress for confidence. If you feel good, others will respond you accordingly.
Give your answers short in between 1 to 2 minutes
Lengthy answers do not make the points clearly enough, whilst short answers may be likely to
make too few points. No one will be prepared to listen to you for more than 3 minutes anyway.
So as a general rule, your answers fit within the 1 to – 2 minutes timeframe
Form and present your answers in 3 or 4 points maximum
In order to make a well-built impact with your answers, you must ensure the message is
coming out is loud and clear.
By adopting a 3- or 4-point answer formation, you will help your interviewers to identify the
important themes in you  and they won’t have to work so hard to get the picture.
Clear headline on each point in your answers, you can mold the interviewer in the shape you want,
by answering your interested questions.
Too many people small talk around a topic without stating clearly what they are trying to say.
Once you have consequent a clear structure, ensure that each section is headlined by the
message that you are trying to convey.
For example, if you are being asked a question such as “What are your main strengths?”,
you could structure and headline your answer as follows:
  • One of my key strengths is my ability to keep the team motivated, even at difficult times.
  • I am  approachable and supportive person.
  • Another one of my strengths is my flexibility and  punctual  attitude,
     and particularly my ability in to complete projects.


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